Custom hook that tracks the state of a media query using the Match Media API
import { useMediaQuery } from 'usehooks-ts'
export default function Component() {
const matches = useMediaQuery('(min-width: 768px)')
return (
{`The view port is ${matches ? 'at least' : 'less than'} 768 pixels wide`}
▸ useMediaQuery(query
, options?
): boolean
Custom hook that tracks the state of a media query using the Match Media API
Name | Type | Description |
query | string | The media query to track. |
options? | UseMediaQueryOptions | The options for customizing the behavior of the hook (optional). |
The current state of the media query (true if the query matches, false otherwise).
Type aliases
Ƭ UseMediaQueryOptions: Object
Hook options.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
defaultValue? | boolean | The default value to return if the hook is being run on the server. Default ts false |
initializeWithValue? | boolean | If true (default), the hook will initialize reading the media query. In SSR, you should set it to false , returning options.defaultValue or false initially. Default ts true |
import { useState } from 'react'
import { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from 'usehooks-ts'
type UseMediaQueryOptions = {
defaultValue?: boolean
initializeWithValue?: boolean
const IS_SERVER = typeof window === 'undefined'
export function useMediaQuery(
query: string,
defaultValue = false,
initializeWithValue = true,
}: UseMediaQueryOptions = {},
): boolean {
const getMatches = (query: string): boolean => {
if (IS_SERVER) {
return defaultValue
return window.matchMedia(query).matches
const [matches, setMatches] = useState<boolean>(() => {
if (initializeWithValue) {
return getMatches(query)
return defaultValue
// Handles the change event of the media query.
function handleChange() {
useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
const matchMedia = window.matchMedia(query)
// Triggered at the first client-side load and if query changes
// Use deprecated `addListener` and `removeListener` to support Safari < 14 (#135)
if (matchMedia.addListener) {
} else {
matchMedia.addEventListener('change', handleChange)
return () => {
if (matchMedia.removeListener) {
} else {
matchMedia.removeEventListener('change', handleChange)
}, [query])
return matches