A custom hook that locks and unlocks scroll.
import { useScrollLock } from 'usehooks-ts'
// Example 1: Auto lock the scroll of the body element when the modal mounts
export default function Modal() {
return <div>Modal</div>
// Example 2: Manually lock and unlock the scroll for a specific target
export function App() {
const { lock, unlock } = useScrollLock({
autoLock: false,
lockTarget: '#scrollable',
return (
<div id="scrollable" style={{ maxHeight: '50vh', overflow: 'scroll' }}>
{['red', 'blue', 'green'].map(color => (
<div key={color} style={{ backgroundColor: color, height: '30vh' }} />
<div style={{ gap: 16, display: 'flex' }}>
<button onClick={lock}>Lock</button>
<button onClick={unlock}>Unlock</button>
▸ useScrollLock(options?
): UseScrollLockReturn
A custom hook that locks and unlocks scroll.
Name | Type | Description |
options? | UseScrollLockOptions | Options to configure the hook, by default it will lock the scroll automatically. |
- An object containing the lock and unlock functions.
Type aliases
Ƭ UseScrollLockOptions: Object
Hook options.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
autoLock? | boolean | Whether to lock the scroll initially. Default ts true |
lockTarget? | HTMLElement | string | The target element to lock the scroll (default is the body element). Default ts document.body |
widthReflow? | boolean | Whether to prevent width reflow when locking the scroll. Default ts true |
Ƭ UseScrollLockReturn: Object
Hook return type.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
isLocked | boolean | Whether the scroll is locked. |
lock | () => void | Lock the scroll. |
unlock | () => void | Unlock the scroll. |
import { useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { useIsomorphicLayoutEffect } from 'usehooks-ts'
type UseScrollLockOptions = {
autoLock?: boolean
lockTarget?: HTMLElement | string
widthReflow?: boolean
type UseScrollLockReturn = {
isLocked: boolean
lock: () => void
unlock: () => void
type OriginalStyle = {
overflow: CSSStyleDeclaration['overflow']
paddingRight: CSSStyleDeclaration['paddingRight']
const IS_SERVER = typeof window === 'undefined'
export function useScrollLock(
options: UseScrollLockOptions = {},
): UseScrollLockReturn {
const { autoLock = true, lockTarget, widthReflow = true } = options
const [isLocked, setIsLocked] = useState(false)
const target = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null)
const originalStyle = useRef<OriginalStyle | null>(null)
const lock = () => {
if (target.current) {
const { overflow, paddingRight } =
// Save the original styles
originalStyle.current = { overflow, paddingRight }
// Prevent width reflow
if (widthReflow) {
// Use window inner width if body is the target as global scrollbar isn't part of the document
const offsetWidth =
target.current === document.body
? window.innerWidth
: target.current.offsetWidth
// Get current computed padding right in pixels
const currentPaddingRight =
parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(target.current).paddingRight, 10) ||
const scrollbarWidth = offsetWidth - target.current.scrollWidth = `${scrollbarWidth + currentPaddingRight}px`
// Lock the scroll = 'hidden'
const unlock = () => {
if (target.current && originalStyle.current) { = originalStyle.current.overflow
// Only reset padding right if we changed it
if (widthReflow) { = originalStyle.current.paddingRight
useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {
if (IS_SERVER) return
if (lockTarget) {
target.current =
typeof lockTarget === 'string'
? document.querySelector(lockTarget)
: lockTarget
if (!target.current) {
target.current = document.body
if (autoLock) {
return () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [autoLock, lockTarget, widthReflow])
return { isLocked, lock, unlock }